
​Luceplan Product Collections

Nyt katalog fra Luceplan - Se nyheder her

​Pedrali Wokspace 2024

Nyt katalog fra Pedrali - Se nyheder her


​Læs her om designs fra CONTARDI og inspirationen bag.

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​LucePlan 2024​

Nyt katalog fra Luceplan - Se nyheder her


​Læs her om designs fra CONTARDI og inspirationen bag.

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Pedrali New Ideas 2024

Læs her nyheder fra Pedrali - 

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LucePlan 2023

Her kan du læse om de fantastiske nyheder LucePlan har præsentere på møbel messen i Milano, Salone Del Mobile 2023. Se nyheder her

Pedrali New Ideas 2023

Her har du mulighed for at se nyheder fra Salone Del Mobile 2023 fra Pedrali. Se nyheder her

Pedrali workspace 2022

Her har du mulighed for at se Pedralis nye produktkatalog - se mere her

Pedrali New Ideas 2022

Pedrali har netop lanceret et nyt spændende og bredt udvalg af nye produkter – se nyhederne her​

Pedrali Outdoor 2022

Nyt katalog fra Pedrali –Hent katalog her

Luceplan 2021-2022

Nyt katalog fra Luceplan – Hent katalog her

2021 - Nyt fra Fantoni

MEET UP nyt Office system fra Fantoni, præsenteret under den seneste Solone Del Mobile i September 2021.

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Luceplan Outdoor 2021

​Luceplan har netop præsentere en række nye produkter til brug for udendørs miljø.

Se alle de flotte og unikke nyheder her.

Pedrali outdoor 2021

Pedrali har netop præsentere et nyt Outdoor katalog med en masse fine og inspirerende udendørs miljø.

Se i kataloget her.

Pedrali working spaces 2021

Pedrali udkommer igen med en række af nye produkter, også tilpasset ”Hjemmekontoret” men også en del produktudvidelser. Se bl.a. Ypsilon Connect mobile eller faste paneler med mange kombinationsmuligheder.

Se det nye magasin her.

A Research Centre renewed for you and open to sharing
​April 2020

Doing research is an attitude rather than a function; it means exposing yourself to change, expanding borders and exploring new directions; it means continuing to learn and grow; open up to the possibility, embrace curiosity, accompany creativity.

​We have renovated our Research Centre to better narrate Fantoni DNA, to dialogue with you about circular economy, material technology, sustainable research, project culture.

All the activities

​All the activities of Fantoni group are research-oriented, but there is a particular place where this is gathered and expressed: the Fantoni Research Centre located at Osoppo Campus.

​Born in 1996, it is a laboratory of knowledge, where ideas are developed and internal skills open up to confrontation with the world and society through an intense cultural activity made up of workshops, seminars and conferences, studies and publications such as the editorial series Blue Industry.

​In these spaces international experts, people from the scientific and business world, from design and art, researchers and students meet to reflect on issues such as sustainability, design, work spaces, materials, acoustics and innovation.

​The foundations of this approach are the will to join the enhancement of the value of people, ideas, object etc with the idea that a strong cultural mission can represent the basic tool to improve the surrounding world.

We look forward to sharing with you this new space and enriching it together with content!

Wating for the moment when we can shake hands again... #stayhealthy!​

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2020

Fantoni har netop deltaget på Stockholm Furniture Fair 2020 og igen i år var der stor opmærksomhed omkring deres produkter. Se her et lille udpluk at de udstillede produkter.

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2020

Pedrali har netop deltaget på Stockholm Furniture Fair 2020 og igen i år var der stor opmærksomhed omkring deres produkter. Se her et lille udpluk at de udstillede produkter.

Luceplan 2019

NYHED - Illan fra Luceplan er en af de nominerede i kategorien Årets Lampe til Design Awards 2019. Se mere om Design Awards 2019 på og fra slutningen af juli. Design Awards er et samarbejde mellem Bo Bedre, Bolig Magasinet, Costume Living og Nordic Living. Vinderne bliver afsløret ved et stort show på Bellevue Teatret 3. september.

Luceplan 2018

We are so thrilled to announce that AMISOL by Danile Rybakken has stood out for its outstanding design in the Lighting category and has been awarded the 2018 Archiproducts Design Awards.

News Orgatec, Pedrali 2018

Download PDF. Pedrali Working Spaces

New clip from Pedrali

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News from Pedrali 2017

​Download PDF. New ideas 2017



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EMFIMA Collection ApS

CVR: 37985155​

​Telefon: ​ +45 41 67 54 16​


EMFIMA Collection dækker behovet for møblering og belysning inden for Office, Learning, Care og Hospitality.