Aktivitetsbaseret Indretning​

The organization of spaces changes and increases the types of spaces available:

Collaborative, focused, or for relaxation. The Hub module – single, double or multiple – is a traditional work table that can also be so much more, adapting to suit organizational dynamics. The partial use of the workstation facilitates desk sharing with an eye to reducing "individual" spaces in favour of opportunities to collaborate and communicate.

​Se flere reference billeder af HUB ved at klikke her.

​Hent brochure på​ HUB her

Se mere omkring HUB via dette link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9nWR_DmWaU

EMFIMA Collection ApS

CVR: 37985155​

​Telefon: ​ +45 41 67 54 16​

E-mail:  ck@emfima.dk

EMFIMA Collection dækker behovet for møblering og belysning inden for Office, Learning, Care og Hospitality.